Friday, 4 January 2013

Evaluation questionnaires

1) Do you think that the documentary is informative? On a scale of 1 to 5, how informative would you say it was...?
2) How entertaining, on a scale of 1 to 5, would you say the documentary is?
3) Do you think that the song choices used throughout are appropriate in relation to the topic of the documentary?
4) After watching the first five minutes of the documentary, would you watch the rest?
5) Do you think that the sound levels of the documentary are okay?
6) What would you say are the weaknesses of the documentary?
7) Do you think the documentary looks professional?

Radio trailer
1) Does the radio trailer make you want to watch the documentary?
2) Is it clear from listening to the radio trailer, what the documentary is going to be about?
3) Do you think the music bed is appropriate for the topic of the documentary?
4) Rate the sound levels of the radio trailer from 1 to 5, 1 being the worst and 5 the best.

Print advert
1) Do you think that my print advert is eye catching?
2) Does my print advert make you want to watch the documentary?
3) Do you think my print advert is clear on informing the audience of the scheduling of the documentary?
4) Would you say that the images included in my print advert are edited well?

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